Capturing the Essence of a Digital Community with thINK Forward

Project Brief
Canon wanted to create a high-quality print piece that showcased the goings-on with thINK, Canon’s community of production inkjet customers. Canon wanted the recurring project to be a print extension of the thINK website, complete with printer interviews, project spotlights, and educational articles, all in service of forwarding the conversation about the world of digital inkjet print.
Canon also wanted the project to help promote a number of live and online events, like thINK Ahead, the community’s annual invitation-only conference, and thINK Academy, a series of live and on-demand online classes about all things digital inkjet.
A high-end magazine proved to be the ideal format for capturing the essence of the thINK community, so we created thINK Forward, a quarterly magazine that acts as a compendium of interviews, articles, and project spotlights from the thINK website. Each full-color issue includes a letter from the thINK board president, Canon customer spotlights, featured articles on the latest conversations in the print industry, and upcoming thINK events and thINK Academy classes.
Not only does each issue of thINK Forward demonstrate the ability of digital inkjet to produce exceptional color and print quality, each issue acts as a reminder of how dynamic print can play a key role in helping create and support a community and serve as a valuable vehicle for sharing ideas and fostering conversation.
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Project Spotlight: Capturing the Essence of a Digital Community with thINK Forward